July 8, 2022



Denny’s is in the business of bringing people hearty meals around the clock. To boost awareness for its “Build Your Own Skillet” breakfast campaign and to drive more people to dine at Denny’s, the casual family restaurant chain turned to Synture and agency partners for its Location and Audience Targeting products.


Audience Targeting was used to reach loyal diners with a history of QSR preference. Proximity Targeting helped Denny’s to reach these loyal customers when they were within close range of their restaurant, and the chain’s competitors. Store Visitation Lift measurement and consumer surveys were applied to understand the campaign’s direct impact on foot traffic to Denny’s locations.


Denny’s gained an additional 25k in-store visits post ad exposure compared to its usual baseline. Nearly 12% of all consumers exposed to Denny’s ads during the campaign resulted in an in-store visit within 14 days of ad exposure. Survey respondents who were exposed to Denny’s ads were 138% more likely to visit a Denny’s more than once during the campaign.

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